Lemon Curd


Of all the jams that I make, this is the only one that I do not treat as seasonal, and is also the only jam that I make for special occasions. It does not keep particularly well, lasting in the store cupboard for a maximum of 3 months, and once open lasting in the fridge for no more than a week. For those reasons I make only small quantities. The making of it is fairly straightforward, and the fact that it has a large number eggs means that you never have to worry about a set to thicken the final result.

This recipe makes about 450 gm/ 1 lb and takes about 45 minutes start to finish


3 lemons

200 gm/7 oz/1 cup sugar

115 gm/ 4 oz/ 8 tablespoons unsalted butter

4 large eggs


Place a mixing bowl into a large saucepan, which has been partially filled with hot water from the tap. Heat up the water so that is gently simmering.

Put the butter and sugar into the bowl to slowly melt.


Meanwhile wash the lemons, grate them, cut them in half  and squeeze the lemon juice from them. Put the rind and juice into the bowl.

Stir from time to time with a wooden spoon.


DSCN5734Crack the eggs and beat them in a cup. Then pour the eggs through a sieve into the bowl. Do this to ensure that you remove any eggshell or little chickens.

Now stir continually until the lemon curd has thickened enough to coat the back of the wooden spoon, or sets when put on a saucer kept in a freezer for 10 minutes or so.


Pot up immediately in small warm sterilized jars and screw the lids down tight.


When cool, keep in a cool dark place for up to 3 months, and when opened keep in a fridge for no more than a week.

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Filed under ALL Recipes, All Year, Jams, Jellies and Preserves

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